10 Benefits Of Whole Wheat Atta
Wheat flour nutrition benefits The nutrition benefits of wheat flour solely depend on the variety of flour that you consume. Whole wheat atta is the most nutritious flour variety due to its high fibre and low gluten content. Let’s have a detailed look at whole wheat flour benefits and how its regular consumption benefits your body Assists in carbohydrate metabolism : In a study, whole wheat flour benefits your body by providing Vitamin B1, which assists your body in metabolising glucose. Vitamin B1 also aids in energy extraction from food and facilitates its transformation into ATP. A balanced source of protein : Wheat flour has a fair amount of protein content. Since proteins are the building blocks of your body, they can help in building body tissues and repairing the damaged cells in your body. Improves brain function : Whole wheat premium atta is a rich source of Niacin that is proven to improve cognitive brain function. In fact, a study published on SpringerLink stated that Niac...